Founded in 2020, Sustainable Fashion Club (SFC) creates space for students from a variety of intersecting identities to celebrate artistry, support individual style, and foster a community with special mind to conscious consumerism. The purpose of the club is to educate students on topics such as fast fashion, consumer awareness, and sustainable fashion practices. SFC. Through educating our community, the Sustainable Fashion Club advocates for ecological integrity and social justice through fashion. 

about sfc

Our goals:


One's choice of clothing is a form of personal expression and creativity. We believe fashion and artistry go hand in hand. SFC seeks to celebrate and elevate all styles and art forms.


To inform its members and the greater community of San Luis Obispo of the benefits of sustainable fashion practices. Including shopping second-hand, supporting sustainable brands and local businesses, and recycling/repurposing clothing. We seek to bring awareness to members of the inextricable link between environmental racism and fashion within justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) efforts.


The club makes space for students to maintain a welcoming, representative community for students interested in sustainable fashion and environmental justice. Sustainable Fashion Club is a place where those passionate about ecological integrity, social justice, and fashion can come together, network, educate, be heard, and support one another’s artistry. We welcome all identities.

Meet the Team